• Service
  • Drug Evaluation Service
Drug Evaluation Service
Organoid Disease Model-Based Drug Evaluation Service Offering new solutions to replace existing methods.
Why Use Organoids for Drug Development?
Use of animal disease models in the process of drug discovery has been revealed to have significant limitations due to the intrinsic difference between humans and animals.
Organoids produced through human-derived cells, not only help overcome the inter-species difference but also help promote ethical alternative to animal testing models, that are also capable of recreating microenvironments for cells that are more biomimetic than conventional 2D cell cultures.
Drug Evaluation Service for Incurable Diseases
Cellartgen offers a drug evaluation service using organoids for drug discovery by modelling intractable diseases.
Our organoid-based models have been meticulously designed to facilitate the study of intractable diseases. These models not only faithfully mimic in vivo conditions but have also undergone validation, demonstrating consistency in terms of pharmacological efficacy and side effects. This validation has been achieved through a thorough comparative analysis with clinical outcomes of candidate drugs.
Cellartgen specialized modelling technologies and screening evaluations can assist in the identification of potential drug candidates. This process aids in making informed decisions prior to beginning clinical trials.
Main Therapeutic Areas
NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis)

NASH, or Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis, is a condition in which fat accumulates within liver cells, leading to inflammation regardless of alcohol consumption. As the condition worsens, fibrosis advances, eventually resulting in damage to the liver tissue.

Cellartgen’s NASH organoid model is derived from human stem cells, encompassing not only mature liver cells but also diverse stromal cells enabling a highly accurate model of the human body. Moreover, these organoid models can be customized to stimulate disease progression, thereby facilitating tailored drug efficacy tests that align with distinct treatment objectives.

IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis)

IPF, or Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, is a lung disease characterized by unexplained and irreversible scarring of the lungs, causing them to become scarred, impairing one’s ability to breath.

Cellartgen’s IPF organoid models are derived from human stem cells, allowing a high degree of likeness to the actual IPF offering greater predictive clinical insight. Moreover, it includes type 1 pneumocytes and other stromal cells, enabling the assessment of diverse responses to candidate drugs.

Service Procedure
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